Fall Wreath

Fall wreath

The fall wreath placed, is bittersweet.

Vibrant colors, goodbye heat.

Inviting door is there to greet,

the coming season. Reaping wheat,

from pastures yellow,

acorns dropped; the earth is mellow.

Gardens bend their weary heads,

and tired Clematis crave their beds.

The wreath for winter, calls December,

no more the colors of September.

Greens and reds, alive, throw ember

shades of winter, all remember.

Welcome Winter, cozy nights,

streets are filled with warm house lights,

Fingers chill from cold frost bites,

shortest day, within our sights.

1 Comment

  1. Delightful, and inventive! (I would humbly submit: Fingers chill from cold frost bites.) (Right now in bed, one foot is slightly chill for no discernible reason. It can feel chill even in the hot tub! I tried to call my podiatrist about this, but he retired due to old age.)

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